impact webinar

How to overcome the disconnects stalling connected healthcare

How to overcome the disconnects stalling connected healthcare

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Title: How to overcome the disconnects stalling connected healthcare

Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Time: 11:00 AM Central Time

Duration: 60 minutes

About this webinar

Despite significant investments, the disconnects within the U.S. healthcare system are striking. According to the more than 4,000 consumers we surveyed, they are only half as likely to feel “cared for,” “heard” or “empowered” as their doctors think. Both consumers and primary care providers told us they believe in the promise of a connected healthcare model, but they want far more from it than they’re getting today. ZS experts representing biopharma, medtech and health plans will discuss why this model is so critical to earning patient trust and achieving health equity. We’ll share how to shift your mindset and core competencies to deliver the connected health vision that consumers value and expect.
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