
Medicare Advantage Growth Analytics

Leverage ZS’s suite of products and services powered by advanced AI and ML-based analytics to continuously fuel your Medicare Advantage (MA) plans’ business growth. ZS helps your plan enhance performance across strategy, product design, sales and marketing, quality improvement and tracking.


Challenges we solve

Sales and marketing effectiveness

Shifting consumer behavior, evolving regulations and nuanced market dynamics raise the stakes for sales and marketing teams to innovate. MA plans also must win broker mind share and differentiate themselves in a commoditized market.

Bringing science into decision-making

Many MA plans use more art than science to make critical growth decisions such as market expansion, benefit design updates and marketing budget allocation. Plans need to learn from other industries and use data and analytics to make key growth decisions.

Product differentiation

The competitive MA market has eroded distinctiveness among health plans. Many now offer features and benefits that often are differentiated only by pricing and network options. MA plans must cut costs while adding attractive supplemental benefits.

Sustaining quality performance

Regulatory changes related to the Star Ratings program, including an increased emphasis on member experience measures, and continuously increasing benchmarks present significant challenges for MA plans to maintain and improve their quality scores.

Impact by the numbers

We are the right partner to fuel MA plan growth with deep healthcare and data expertise and a strong record in co-creating advanced analytics solutions.

Our solutions


ZS’s approach

Geography expansion strategy

Determine which geographies to enter and simulate enrollments based on predictive modeling. Identify emergent trends in those geographies and model how expansion will perform against the expected competition.

Product design insights and analytics

Design a differentiated benefits package by understanding its competitiveness, alignment with market trends and customer needs. Using ML-based models, simulate plan performance for different benefit design scenarios.

Broker targeting and engagement

Maximize broker engagement with advanced modeling with different data types, including agent, enrollment, benefits and social drivers of health data.

Marketing mix

Simulate budget scenarios and estimate marketing impact to make objective spending decisions and optimize multichannel budget allocations.

Star Ratings analytics and advisory

Use data and analytics to maximize Star Ratings by prioritizing underperforming measures and analyzing performance drivers for individual measures. Run a successful program with targeted interventions and real-time performance monitoring.

Digital annual enrollment period (AEP) command center

Overhaul AEP dashboards to reduce the time to insights, provide a next-best-action recommendation with each insight and formulate a clear structure for your teams to follow through. Estimate the impact of actions via what-if scenario modeling.

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