AI & Analytics

The power of proximity: Robert Wolcott on the future of customer experience

Sept. 16, 2024 | Podcast | 41-minute listen

The power of proximity: Robert Wolcott on the future of customer experience

Arun Shastri and Gopi Vikranth get a glimpse of the future as presented by Professor Robert Wolcott, author of “Proximity: How Coming Breakthroughs in Just-in-Time Transform Business, Society, and Daily Life.” For Wolcott, the ability to deliver on customer expectations and enhance production drives the need for proximity and will shape the future. Hear how he expects technology will change business, society and the experience of being human.


Highlights include:

  • Industries already leveraging technology and data to create personalized experiences and improve efficiency
  • How proximity will create new opportunities in various industries
  • Why customer data will be critical and how businesses can gain an advantage using AI

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