ZS's corporate social responsibility program, ZS Cares, empowers ZSers worldwide to apply their knowledge and skills to make a difference in their communities throughout the year. ZS Cares Day is an annual celebration in which all 28 ZS offices partner with local nonprofit organizations to collaborate and make a large impact in one day.
ZSers spent ZS Cares day conducting hackathons, pro bono projects for non-profit organizations, neighborhood clean-ups, online auctions, fundraisers, mentoring and more. Together, ZSers contributed over 5,000 hours of time to giving back.
Additionally, every ZSer was allocated $50 that they could donate to a local organization of their choice. Offices identified local non-profit organizations that benefitted their community, promoted diversity, improved the environment, or improved healthcare.
“I appreciate the effort our San Francisco Cares and admin teams put in to find five ways we could choose to give back with respect to our need to stay safe during the pandemic.”
Adam L.
“I appreciate the effort our San Francisco Cares and admin teams put in to find five ways we could choose to give back with respect to our need to stay safe during the pandemic.”
Adam L.
Read more below about some of the activites that ZSers participated in for ZS Cares Day.
Environmental friendly India ZSers participated in #WalkForACause, with a promise to plant 850+ trees thanks to a combined number of 23 million-plus steps walked by participants over three weeks. The team will also help build a butterfly garden at Kendriya Vidyalaya school in Pune to conserve biodiversity. Volunteers also helped feed more than 1,000 stray dogs and protect them with reflective collars.

San Francisco ZSers exemplified socially distant volunteerism by cleaning up trash in their neighborhoods, beautifying their environment. "I appreciate the effort our San Francisco Cares and admin teams put in to find five ways we could choose to give back with respect to our need to stay safe during the pandemic,” says participant Adam L.

Pune ZSers helped schools set up their social media presence, guided students with career counseling and helped students with science experiments.

Evanston held a virtual "silly auction," where ZSers bid on bizarre, unique, or sentimental items from our leaders' homes, with proceeds going to charity.
ZSers in Los Angeles competed in a virtual charity walk for the American Heart Association and committed to two weeks with daily acts of kindness.
Thank you to all ZSers who volunteered on ZS Cares Day!